Closed trainings - TQM Soft
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Closed trainings


Kiedy i dlaczego warto zorganizować szkolenie zamknięte?


Pytania kiedy i dlaczego

This is a training that is organized for a group of employees from one company, most often conducted on-site at the client's facility.

When there is a group of several or a dozen employees to be trained. In a situation where the availability of training participants and the work schedule of the company makes it impossible for employees to participate in open training in Cracow - the best solution is to conduct training on-site at the company's headquarters and at a suitable time.

Closed training is based on custom program, adjusted to the needs, group specifics and the goals set by the company for those employees. On the other hand, we discuss the cost of group training with the client, trying to take into consideration their budget possibilities.

Our expert identifies the needs of the company, followed by a consultation with a dedicated Trainer who gets to know the client's expectations in detail. He/she then prepares the program and determines its duration, substantive issues and the proportion between practical and theoretical classes.

In addition to the substantive knowledge gained by employees and the improvement or mastery of practical skills, the company receives feedback on the trained group, guidance on the further development of employees and the improvement of the organization itself in terms of both process, technology and human resources. As a follow-up to the training, we also often recommend consultations, during which we support the practical implementation of knowledge gained during the training, analyze current challenges and propose solutions that are optimal for the development of the company.

Etapy i opinie

Implementation stages of closed training

Etapy realizacji szkoleń zamkniętych

Customers' feedback

Profesjonalizm świadczonych usług oraz dbałość o zaspokojenie potrzeb klienta czynią TQMsoft spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością sp. k. z siedzibą w Krakowie godną polecenia

Karina Legierska
Kierownik Działu Pracowniczego Specjalista Ds. BHP

Quote Quote

Znajdź szkolenie

Szkolenia w języku angielskim

Szkolenia w języku angielskim

Flaga Wielkiej Brytanii We also provide training in English.




Contact us

Closed training department

If you are planning to organize a closed training session - dedicated only to your employees, learn more about some exemplary topics here.


Małgorzata Jakubiak

Małgorzata Jakubiak

Chief Operating Officer


Sylwia Smuga

Sylwia Smuga

Training Department Manager