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Human dynamics


Every organization is interested in continuous improvement for many obvious reasons:

  • Maintaining competitiveness and improving products and processes,
  • increasing operational efficiency and productivity thereby reducing costs and increasing revenues,
  • creating an atmosphere suitable for innovation and creativity of employees and their involvement,
  • ensuring customer satisfaction, who receives products of increasingly better quality at attractive prices.

Most often in companies there is knowledge of what methods and hard tools should be used for improvement projects.

However, something is not working as it should. There isn't the right climate for teamwork on new challenges, not everyone feels the need to get involved or share knowledge, there isn't the right team dynamic.

The result is spurts and jerky improvement activities, most often forced "from above" or by internal or external complaints.

In most cases, the driving force behind improvement activities, but also all other innovation and development activities, are the elements of interaction, behavior and patterns found in human groups and their impact on the efficiency, effectiveness and dynamics of these groups.

These elements are collected under the term Human Dynamics.



Human Dynamics involves the study of how people communicate, collaborate, make decisions and influence each other.


Included in the concept of Human Dynamics are the soft competencies expected of engineers today:

  • Interpersonal Communication: The study of the ways in which people communicate with each other, both verbally and non-verbally. Understanding and improving communication styles, ways of expressing thoughts and feelings, ways of listening and responding to others.
  • Feedback culture: Properly giving feedback not only superior-subordinate, but also subordinate-supervisor and employee-employee. Reinforcing a very effective yet undervalued communication and management tool
  • Teamwork: Analyze the dynamics of teamwork, including ways to organize, coordinate and solve problems. Understanding and improving the role of leaders, the development of trust, the effectiveness of communication, conflict and group cooperation.
  • Group Behavior: Examination of the patterns of behavior that occur in a group, such as norms, values, hierarchy, role division and social influence. Understanding and improving group processes, such as group formation, majority influence, conformity, social conditioning of decisions, etc.
  • Leadership and Motivation: Explain the influence of leaders on the group and motivational factors in a group context. Exploring and understanding leadership styles, acquiring skills to mobilize, build commitment, satisfaction and enjoyment in the group.
  • Conflict resolution: Identifying, managing and resolving conflicts in a group. Understanding different types of conflicts, mediation techniques, negotiation and group consensus building.


Human Dynamics is a comprehensive approach in which:

  • we study the interactions between people in groups with a view to increasing group effectiveness, cooperation and development,
  • we prepare a set of training and workshop modules appropriate to the observed situation,
  • we implement joint practical workshops that engage participants and teach appropriate behavioral patterns in terms of group work.

Dedicated to

  • Managers and supervisors of production and production-related areas
  • Quality, production, process engineers
  • Specialists, controllers and team leaders

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