Six Sigma - Yellow Belt Level - Trainings catalog - TQM Soft
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Six Sigma - Yellow Belt Level

Six Sigma

Training objectives

Transfer of knowledge and competence in the field of tools deployed in the Six Sigma improvement projects for the masters and oremen and team leaders who are actively act as participants in the projects carried out by Green Belts and Black Belts. Show a broader picture of the work process optimization aimed at improving the quality or reducing the losses for those involved in the projects according to DMAIC algorithm and the role of their daily work.

Training symbol


Dates and location


Practical part estimated contribution: 60%

Duration time: 3 dni po 6 godz.

Scope and exercises

1.        Introduction to Lean Six Sigma
2.        What is Six Sigma
3.        Why is Lean Six Sigma?
4.        Project management - the DMAIC algorithm
5.        Roles and responsibilities of managers in the Lean Six Sigma approach.
6.         Characteristics of Yellow Belts.
7.         Basic Lean Six Sigma tools
8.        Exercises with the tools application
9.        Case Study.

Benefits for participant

Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt certificate
After the training Participants will:
·            Combinie design work with daily operational work
·            Work and interpret data and make decisions based on them
·            Use simple tools to solve problems
·            Use in practically way the basic tools for process optimization
·            Be able to use the potential of GB and BB knowledge
·            Formulate questions and issues to consider it by GB and BB
After the ttraining Participant will know:
·            what are the benefits of implement ng Lean Six Sigma in the organization
·            what are the roles and responsibilities of yellow belt in Six Sigma approach
·            how to use knowledge of design in daily operational work
·            how to use the value of the data collected in the process of their control and troubleshooting


·         Inspectors and quality technicians
·         Masters and foremen
·         Team leaders
·         Specialists and employees of Maintenance, Manufacturing, Logistics


Six Sigma Yellow Belt focuses on providing basic knowledge about methods in order to facilitate the improvement projects through the involvement of lower-level employees Management - masters, foremen, team leaders.

Additional information

Cena szkolenia obejmuje:

  • udział w szkoleniu, 
  • materiały w formie papierowej, segregator, notatnik, długopis,
  • bezpłatny dostęp do elektronicznych materiałów szkoleniowych,
  • certyfikat uczestnictwa w szkoleniu,
  • możliwość bezpłatnych 3-miesięcznych konsultacji po szkoleniu,
  • obiady, przerwy kawowe oraz słodki poczęstunek
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Open trainings

Monika Kozdrój

Training Realization Specialist

Anna Wnęk

Junior Training Realization Specialist

Closed trainings

Sylwia Smuga

Sylwia Smuga

Training Department Manager

Karolina Paluch

Karolina Paluch

Senior Training Realization Specialist
