Lean Six Sigma - Black Belt Level - Szkolenia - TQMsoft
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Lean Six Sigma - Black Belt Level

Six Sigma

Cele szkolenia

?The main objective of the training is to prepare participants for independent projects of integrated methodology of Lean Six Sigma - Black Belt level. The complementary objectives are: the acquisition of skills for effective teamwork and managing of project teams and acquire the ability to apply various Six Sigma tools supported by statistical package - Minitab.

During the training, each participant performs his own Lean Six Sigma poject. Implementation of the project is fundamental for Black Belt certification. The Black Belt certificate also require to pass an examination test with body of knowledge covered by the training.

Symbol szkolenia


Terminy i miejsce

Dokumenty do pobrania

Szacunkowy udział części praktycznej: 65%

Czas trwania: 12 dni po 7 godz.

Program i ćwiczenia


Lean and Six Sigma integration 
-  Evolution of Lean and Six Sigma programs
- Integration of methodology and tools of Lean and Six Sigma
- The essence of Lean Six Sigma program
- Benefits of the program Lean Six Sigma
- Roles and responsibilities in the Lean Six Sigma
- The role, training and requirements for Black Belt

Basic statistics 
- The essence of variability
- The behavior of the process in time
- System reasons and special variability
- Graphs: Histogram, Dotplot, Boxpolt, Scatterplot, Matrixplot, Run Chart
- Distributions of data - the concept of normal distribution and standard deviation - standard normal distribution
- Study of the normal distribution
- Determine the probability of a particular event random
- Features and capabilities of Minitab software

Methodology of Lean Six Sigma project management
- Categorization problems atcompany
- The nature and objectives of Lean Six Sigma projects
- Prioritization criteria and the selection of projects
- DMAIC Methodology
- DMADV Methodology
- Examples of projects
PHASE 1 – DEFINE (project)
- Defining of  improvement projects
- Basic objectives and measures of Six Sigma projects
- Formulation of the problem and the purpose of the project
- Scope of the project
- Milestones
- Prepare a Project Charter (the project charter)
PHASE 1 – DEFINE (project)
- Process analysis (top level)
- SIPOC Analysis
- VSM Analysis
-  VOC Analysis (Kano, CTX, research clients)
- Defining the CTQ parameters
PHASE 2 – MEASURE (actual state)
- The transition from internal CTQ Y;
- Collecting data
- Types of data
- The process of data collection
- Size of the samples
- Developing a plan for data collection
- Terms develop an effective plan for data collect
Project realization 
Pre-selection of projects by the participants, determine the Project Charter and plan for data collection. The term tasks to be carried to the next session.

Six Sigma projects phases 
PHASE 2 – MEASURE (actual state)
- Validation of the measuring system for measurable and attributive parameters
- MSA Gage R&R Study
- MSA Kappa Study
- Analysis of the stability of the process; Interpretation of special variability
- Analysis of the current process capability Cp, Cpk, Pp, Ppk, ZST, ZLT, Z-shift, Z-bench, DPMO, the value of Sigma process
- Interpretation of results
PHASE 3 – ANALYZE (problem causes)
- Creating of detailed maps of the procesess
- Analysis of the process and identify possible causes
- Variables Flow Chart
- Value Stream Map
- Guidelines for mapping
- Chart cause and effect Ishikawa
- C & E Matrix
- Pareto Chart and Pareto analysis
- 5 Whys
- Is / Is not analysis
- FTA Diagram
- Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA)
PHASE 3 – ANALYZE (problem causes)
- Defining and testing hypotheses
- T-test, F-test, ANOVA, Two-way ANOVA, General Linear Model
- The proportions, chi-square test.
- Linear regression and Multiple
PHASE 3 – ANALYZE (wastes)
-  VSM Analysis
-  OEE Analysis
- other analysis and tools (SMED, spaghetti diagram)
- Planning for further implementation of a pilot project by the participants; specifying the tasks to be carried to the next session.
PHASE 4 – IMPROVE (process)
- Introduction to design of experiments (DOE)
- Differences between the traditional method of experiment and DOE
- Advisability of using DOE
- Optimization of quality, variability, robustness,
- Interactions between factors
- Planning and implementation of the experiment
- The choice of parameters,
- The choice of the objective function,
- Create experiment
- Creating a system of equations
- Charting interaction
- Selection of relevant factors,
- Interpretation of the results
- Optimization parameter settings
- Exercise with a catapult: the preparation of the experiment, calculation, decision, try checking the effectiveness of decisions (solutions)
- Design of Experiments (DOE Full Factorial)
PHASE 4 – IMPROVE (process)
- Experiments fractional
- Experiments nonlinear
- Methods nonlinear
- Cons linear models
- Application of nonlinear techniques
PHASE 4 – IMPROVE (apply Lean Tools)
- Misteke Proofing (Poka-Yoke)
- Flow (Takt Time, Pull, Kanban)
- Quick Changeover (SMED)
- other (5S, standardization, visalization, etc.)
PHASE 4 – IMPROVE (Solutions selection)
- Solutions selection
- Narrowing the list of solutions
- Criteria for selecting solutions
- Analysis of costs and benefits (effectiveness) of the project
- Statement of cash flows
- Calculation of the NPV of the project
PHASE 4 – IMPROVE (pilot implementations of solution)
- Preparation of pilot program
-  training plan
-  Control Plan
-  SPC - pilot and monitoring
-  new process capability verification
DAY 10
PHASE 5 – CONTROL (implemented solution)
- Establishment and validation of the measurement system for key factors
- The development, deployment and use of control charts
- Location of control stations
- The right size and uniformity of the samples
- Development and implementation of control charts
- Selection of control charts
- Types of control charts (XR, XS, I-MR, p, eg. C, u, MA, EVMA, CUSUM, T2 Hotteling)
- Interpretation of control charts
- Advanced methods of interpretation of control charts
- Common errors in interpretation of control charts
- Development of Out of Control Action Plan (OCAP)
PHASE 5 – CONTROL (implemented solution)
Planning the implementation
- Standardization
- Different levels of process documentation
- Determination of the effects, costs and recommendations
- Summary and closure of the project

DAY 11
Design for Six Sigma + Lean  (DfSS+ Lean )
- Essesnce of methodology, phasesand tools DMADV
      - Quality Function Deployment (QFD)
      - Design FMEA
      - DOE
      - simulation methods
      - Design Scorecards
- other methods DfSS+ Lean  ( IDEAS, IDOV, DMEDI, DCCDI)
The essence and solution management system Lean Six Sigma
- Organizing teams of Lean Six Sigma
- Ways to deal with conflict
- The conditions for effective teamwork
- The choice of leaders and team members Six Sigma
- The success factors of the program Lean Six Sigma
- barriers
- The essence of Lean Six Sigma Management System
- Project management at Six Sigma
DAY 12
Exam (150 test questions, 3,5 hrs/ test)
Announcement of the results (subject to passing the exam is to get 70% points)
Overview of projects by the participants. Determination and presentation of further plans for pilot projects by the participants.

Korzyści dla uczestnika

After the training participant will:
  • led projects perfecting according to the integrated Lean Six Sigma methodology
  • run pilot projects
  • know and use a statistical quality tools to assess and reduce the variability in the processes
  • know and use the methodology of implementation of projects Lean Six Sigma with the use of specialized statistical packages
  • effectively lead and manage the work of teams participating in improvement projects
  • substantively support the Green Belts in their improvement projects

Korzyści dla przedsiębiorstwa

Improving the quality and cost reduction through the implementation of Lean Six Sigma projects in the organization at the Black Belt level - aimed at high financial benefits.Return on investment in the first months after the end of the training.The opportunity to discuss issues related to the improvement of project consultant


Language: english


  • Candidates for Black Belts
  • Six Sigma Green Belt - Green Belts
  • The coordinators of continuous improvement in the company
  • Agents of change in a very good knowledge of processes and projects doskonalącymi your account.
  • Participants programs and team members of Six Sigma and Lean Manufacturing teams (including World Class Manufacturing)

Dodatkowe informacje

Cena szkolenia obejmuje:

  • udział w szkoleniu, 
  • materiały w formie papierowej, segregator, notatnik, długopis,
  • bezpłatny dostęp do elektronicznych materiałów szkoleniowych,
  • certyfikat uczestnictwa w szkoleniu,
  • możliwość bezpłatnych 3-miesięcznych konsultacji po szkoleniu,
  • obiady, przerwy kawowe oraz słodki poczęstunek
Zobacz inne szkolenia z tematyki:
Zapytaj o termin szkolenia

Jak się zgłosić na szkolenie?

  1. Pobierz kartę zgłoszenia
  2. Wypełnij i opieczętuj
  3. Wyślij na szkolenia.otwarte@tqmsoft.eu



innego terminu, miasta
a masz do przeszkolenia minimum 4 pracowników?

Zapytaj nas o możliwości

Powiązane szkolenia

Potrzebujesz pomocy?

Szkolenia otwarte

Monika Kozdrój

Specjalista ds. Realizacji Szkoleń

Anna Wnęk

Młodszy Specjalista ds. Realizacji Szkoleń

Szkolenia zamknięte

Sylwia Smuga

Sylwia Smuga

Kierownik Działu Szkoleń

Karolina Paluch

Karolina Paluch

Starszy Specjalista ds. Realizacji Szkoleń

Małgorzata Jakubiak

Małgorzata Jakubiak

Dyrektor Operacyjny

Dokumenty do pobrania