Train the trainer - for advanced learners - Szkolenia - TQMsoft
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Train the trainer - for advanced learners

Umiejętności osobiste - PersonAll®

Cele szkolenia

Whether you are an inexperienced trainer or infuse professional, this Train - The - Trainer program will teach you how to
determine the needs of an audience, improve classroom charisma. Handle hecklers, use activities effectively, and more.
Our Train The Trainer course gives you access to tools, strategies and techniques orchestrated in a fashion that takes
learning to a whole new level of experience. You will be introduced to a new paradigm in how training is designed and
delivered, and how you can optimize your training environment to achieve outstanding learning results. This course
provides ground-breaking training solutions that can be implemented in any training environment.

This Train-the-Trainers course will:

  • Prepare participants to analyze their audiences and tailor their material and program delivery accordingly.
  • Suggest dozens of best practices for engaging learners and encouraging discussion.
  • Provide tactics for handling surprise situations and difficult participants.

Symbol szkolenia


Terminy i miejsce

Dokumenty do pobrania

Szacunkowy udział części praktycznej: 70%

Czas trwania: 2 dni po 7 godz.

Program i ćwiczenia

1. The Trainer as a Technical Expert:
  • Understanding Adult Learning. 
  • Competency Identification Skills. 
  • Feedback Skills. 
  • Student Learning Objectives Preparation Skills. 
  • Learner observation skills. 
  • Presentation Skills. 
  • Subject Matter Understanding. 
  • Writing Skills.
  • Learner Evaluation Skills.

2. The Trainer and His/Her Training Environment:

  • Understanding of Business and Management Practices.
  • The Learning Organization. 
  • Ethics. 
  • Computer Competence.
  • Electronic Systems Skills. 
  • Needs Assessment. 
  • Group Process Skills. 
  • Records Management Skills. 
  • Facilitation Skills.
  • Training Modes and Techniques.
3. The Trainer as an Organizational Change Agent:
  • Career Development Techniques. 
  • Organizational Behavior Techniques & Understanding. 
  • Intellectual Versatility (Creative Thinking). 
  • Negotiation Skills. 
  • Questioning Skills. 
  • Relationship Building Skills. 
  • Self-Knowledge.

Classes held in the individual sessions will be carried out by interactive and activating methods based on experience and to allow participants to practice their skills.
In the course of this lab will be used the following methods of operation:
a) case study;
b) practical exercises - of doing a sample task, and will improve skills and/or raise their own efficiency;
c) simulations - of carrying out tasks under conditions similar to actual real, with real tools and materials;
d) discussions - both moderated by coach responsible for the training, as well as multiple discussions;
e) questionnaires/tests - to develop their own attitudes and behavior in respect of the issue;
f) role-playing, i.e. work with a camera allowing a detailed analysis of behavior, action and made choices.

Korzyści dla uczestnika

After this program, you will be able to:
  • Describe the training cycle.
  • Identify and determine the need for training—what, who, and how.
  • Write effective learning objectives.
  • Design participant-oriented learning materials and exercises.
  • Apply adult learning concepts, develop supportive climates, and customize off-the-shelf materials.
  • Use training activities and alternatives to lecture, strategize for different learning needs, and create effective. questioning techniques.
  • Prepare properly for a training session, and prepare participants to foster learning.
  • Manage and encourage participants of all backgrounds and learning styles.
  • Address challenging participants and behaviors.
  • Present and facilitate a training program, including use of audio visuals and handouts.
  • Evaluate program impact at different levels using a variety of methods.
  • Identify the five levels of evaluation.


This program is ideal for new trainers or experienced trainers who have not had formal education in training. It is also for those trainers who need a refresher to improve their classroom techniques and methods to transfer learning to work situations.

Dodatkowe informacje

Cena szkolenia obejmuje:

  • udział w szkoleniu, 
  • materiały w formie papierowej, segregator, notatnik, długopis,
  • bezpłatny dostęp do elektronicznych materiałów szkoleniowych,
  • certyfikat uczestnictwa w szkoleniu,
  • możliwość bezpłatnych 3-miesięcznych konsultacji po szkoleniu,
  • obiady, przerwy kawowe oraz słodki poczęstunek
Zobacz inne szkolenia z tematyki:
Zapytaj o termin szkolenia

Jak się zgłosić na szkolenie?

  1. Pobierz kartę zgłoszenia
  2. Wypełnij i opieczętuj
  3. Wyślij na



innego terminu, miasta
a masz do przeszkolenia minimum 4 pracowników?

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Szkolenia otwarte

Monika Kozdrój

Specjalista ds. Realizacji Szkoleń

Anna Wnęk

Młodszy Specjalista ds. Realizacji Szkoleń

Szkolenia zamknięte

Sylwia Smuga

Sylwia Smuga

Kierownik Działu Szkoleń

Karolina Paluch

Karolina Paluch

Starszy Specjalista ds. Realizacji Szkoleń

Małgorzata Jakubiak

Małgorzata Jakubiak

Dyrektor Operacyjny

Dokumenty do pobrania