Effective Communication and Team Building - Szkolenia - TQMsoft
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Effective Communication and Team Building

Sprzedaż, komunikacja, negocjacje

Cele szkolenia

  • Even though we do it all the time, communicating is not as simple as it may seem. It is easy for your messages to be misinterpreted or for you to misinterpret someone else’s. It’s also a skill to ask questions in such a way that you find out exactly what you want to know. If you are an effective communicator, people are more inclined to listen and you’ll have a lot more influence.
  • This Communicating Effectively course will help you build strong relationships and craft short and persuasive messages. You will achieve more, both in your work and personal life.
    You can’t afford to miss out on this practical effective communication skills course that covers the fundamentals of good communication required in every business today.

Symbol szkolenia


Terminy i miejsce

Dokumenty do pobrania

Szacunkowy udział części praktycznej: 70%

Czas trwania: 1 dzień po 7 godz.

Program i ćwiczenia

1. Effective communication:
  • Getting to the heart of effective communication.
  • Recognize different types of communication.
  • Develop specific communication strategies that build a culture of alliance and collaboration.

2. Effective Team Building and Team Development:

  • Principles of teamwork and collaboration.
  • Stages of group development.
  • Leadership action plan for team development.
  • Motivating and Energising a team.
  • Building Your Credibility.
  • Creating and maintaining trust.
3. Who is a Team Player?
  • A team player is the person who demonstrates reliability.
  • A team player is the person who communicates constructively.
  • A team player is the person who listens actively.
  • A team player is the person who functions as an active participant.
  • A team player is the person who shares openly & willingly.
  • A team player is the person who cooperates and provides timely help.
  • A team player is the person who is high on commitment.
  • A team player is the person who is flexible.
  • A team player is the person who demonstrates respects for others.
Classes held in the individual sessions will be carried out by interactive and activating methods based on experience and to allow participants to practice their skills.
In the course of this lab will be used the following methods of operation:
a) case study,
b) practical exercises - of doing a sample task, and will improve skills and/or raise their own efficiency,
c) simulations - of carrying out tasks under conditions similar to actual real, with real tools and materials,
d) discussions - both moderated by coach responsible for the training, as well as multiple discussions,
e) questionnaires/tests - to develop their own attitudes and behavior in respect of the issue,
f) role-playing, i.e. work with a camera allowing a detailed analysis of behavior, action and made choices.

Korzyści dla uczestnika

After this program, you will be able to:
  • Effectively use of communication skills and  techniques.
  • Understand Emotional Intelligence and how to use it effectively.
  • Enhance skills to boost productivity.
  • Understand the importance of body language.
  • Learn tool and techniques to build effective team.
  • Develop leadership action plan for team development.
  • Understand how to motivate and energise team.


  • People who want to improve their communication skills and get more from their business relationships with customers,
  • suppliers and colleagues will really benefit from this Effective Communication training.

Dodatkowe informacje

Cena szkolenia obejmuje:

  • udział w szkoleniu, 
  • materiały w formie papierowej, segregator, notatnik, długopis,
  • bezpłatny dostęp do elektronicznych materiałów szkoleniowych,
  • certyfikat uczestnictwa w szkoleniu,
  • możliwość bezpłatnych 3-miesięcznych konsultacji po szkoleniu,
  • obiady, przerwy kawowe oraz słodki poczęstunek
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Jak się zgłosić na szkolenie?

  1. Pobierz kartę zgłoszenia
  2. Wypełnij i opieczętuj
  3. Wyślij na szkolenia.otwarte@tqmsoft.eu



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Szkolenia otwarte

Monika Kozdrój

Specjalista ds. Realizacji Szkoleń

Anna Wnęk

Młodszy Specjalista ds. Realizacji Szkoleń

Szkolenia zamknięte

Sylwia Smuga

Sylwia Smuga

Kierownik Działu Szkoleń

Karolina Paluch

Karolina Paluch

Starszy Specjalista ds. Realizacji Szkoleń

Dokumenty do pobrania