Lean Six Sigma - Green Belt - Szkolenia - TQMsoft
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Lean Six Sigma - Green Belt

Oferta archiwalna

Cele szkolenia

To prepare participants to independently manage simple improvement projects according to the Six Sigma methogology. The main part of the course is devoted to presentations of how to implement the various stages of the Six Sigma project and which  tools neet to be used. The training course excercises are carried out using specialized statistical software package - Minitab.

Symbol szkolenia


Terminy i miejsce

Dokumenty do pobrania

Szacunkowy udział części praktycznej: 65%

Czas trwania: 9 dni po 7 godz.

Program i ćwiczenia


Variability, basic statistics
Descriptive statistics (measures of location, dispersion, shape, position)
Point and interval estimation - confidence intervals, error of estimate
Graphical presentation of data
Tolerances natural
SPC - assessment of process capability,  Cp, Cpk, Pp, Ppk indicators
SPC - monitoring process using techniques of control charts (Shewhart control charts)
MSA, measurable parameters - qualification measurement system to monitor / process / product (ARM method, ANOVA Cross / Nested
MSA, the assessment of attributes - ARM method for attributes, compliance assessments (Cohen's kappa coefficient and Fleiss)
Verification of statistical hypotheses
ANOVA - model fixed / random post-hoc tests, ANOVA univariate / multivariate, General  Linear Model (GLM)
The causal relationships under conditions of uncertainty - regression and correlation analysis, model selection, the procedure for selecting the best equation, quality assessment model
Design of Experiment DOE - factorial designs / fractional screening plans (Placet-Burmann)
Lean Six Sigma foundations of the method
Basic concepts of Lean Six Sigma
Project management based on the DMAIC algorithm
A process model Y - f (x)
Define Phase
The choice of project  topic
SIPOC process map
The customer in the Lean Six Sigma project
VOC - Voice of the Customer
VOC / CTQ - creating measures of the Voice of the Customer
The statistical presentation of CTQ metrics and defining od the target
The project charter - principles of design
Problems with defining CTQ for the size of the Y process
Phase Measure
The process and its components - Ishikawa diagram
Types of measurement data and work with them
The observation process
The importance of measuring systems
Improving measurement systems - approach
7 production losses and observation process
Basic tools of lean management
The presentation of the collected data - graphical data presentation tools
Principles of Project Management
Analyse phase
Problem solving methods
Standardization in the process
The search for causes of instability in the process
The ability of the process - reduction of variation, redesign
Graphical analysis based on process data
Process modeling - using regression
Process modeling - design of experiment DOE
Other tools based on research of dependencies in the process
Improve phase
Logical search for solutions on the basis of problem solving methods
Creative search for solutions
Planning and monitoring of improvement actions
Phase Control
Standardization solutions and process changes
Project summary

Korzyści dla uczestnika

After the training course participant will be able to:
-          lead improvement projects
-          execute basic improvement project on  Green Belt level related to quality improvement and/or  cost reduction,
-          correctly choose  Lean Six Sigma project and define main problem,
-          work in a team more efficiently,
-          better understand   and correctly apply a statistical tools.


Quality Managers, Quality Specialists
Production Managers, production engineers, process engineers
Continuous improvement officers and specialists
Participants of Lean Six Sigma programs and responsible for Lean Sigma implementation in company,
Candidates for Lean Six Sigma Black Belts

Dodatkowe informacje

Cena szkolenia obejmuje:

  • udział w szkoleniu, 
  • materiały w formie papierowej, segregator, notatnik, długopis,
  • bezpłatny dostęp do elektronicznych materiałów szkoleniowych,
  • certyfikat uczestnictwa w szkoleniu,
  • możliwość bezpłatnych 3-miesięcznych konsultacji po szkoleniu,
  • obiady, przerwy kawowe oraz słodki poczęstunek

Jak się zgłosić na szkolenie?

  1. Pobierz kartę zgłoszenia
  2. Wypełnij i opieczętuj
  3. Wyślij na szkolenia.otwarte@tqmsoft.eu



innego terminu, miasta
a masz do przeszkolenia minimum 4 pracowników?

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Szkolenia otwarte

Karolina Paluch

Karolina Paluch

Starszy Specjalista ds. Realizacji Szkoleń

Monika Kozdrój

Specjalista ds. Realizacji Szkoleń

Szkolenia zamknięte

Małgorzata Jakubiak

Małgorzata Jakubiak

Dyrektor Operacyjny

Sylwia Smuga

Sylwia Smuga

Kierownik Działu Szkoleń

Dokumenty do pobrania