Cele szkolenia
?The main objective of the training is to prepare participants for independent projects of integrated methodology of Lean Six Sigma - Black Belt level. The complementary objectives are: the acquisition of skills for effective teamwork and managing of project teams and acquire the ability to apply various Six Sigma tools supported by statistical package - Minitab.
Symbol szkolenia
Terminy i miejsce
Dokumenty do pobrania
Szacunkowy udział części praktycznej: 65%
Czas trwania: 12 dni po 7 godz.
Program i ćwiczenia
Lean and Six Sigma integration
- Evolution of Lean and Six Sigma programs
- Integration of methodology and tools of Lean and Six Sigma
- The essence of Lean Six Sigma program
- Benefits of the program Lean Six Sigma
- Roles and responsibilities in the Lean Six Sigma
- The role, training and requirements for Black Belt
- The essence of variability
- The behavior of the process in time
- System reasons and special variability
- Graphs: Histogram, Dotplot, Boxpolt, Scatterplot, Matrixplot, Run Chart
- Distributions of data - the concept of normal distribution and standard deviation - standard normal distribution
- Study of the normal distribution
- Determine the probability of a particular event random
- Features and capabilities of Minitab software
Methodology of Lean Six Sigma project management
- Categorization problems atcompany
- The nature and objectives of Lean Six Sigma projects
- Prioritization criteria and the selection of projects
- DMAIC Methodology
- DMADV Methodology
- Examples of projects
- Defining of improvement projects
- Basic objectives and measures of Six Sigma projects
- Formulation of the problem and the purpose of the project
- Scope of the project
- Milestones
- Prepare a Project Charter (the project charter)
- Process analysis (top level)
- SIPOC Analysis
- VSM Analysis
- VOC Analysis (Kano, CTX, research clients)
- Defining the CTQ parameters
PHASE 2 – MEASURE (actual state)
- The transition from internal CTQ Y;
- Collecting data
- Types of data
- The process of data collection
- Size of the samples
- Developing a plan for data collection
- Terms develop an effective plan for data collect
Project realization
Pre-selection of projects by the participants, determine the Project Charter and plan for data collection. The term tasks to be carried to the next session.
Six Sigma projects phases
PHASE 2 – MEASURE (actual state)
- Validation of the measuring system for measurable and attributive parameters
- MSA Gage R&R Study
- MSA Kappa Study
- Analysis of the stability of the process; Interpretation of special variability
- Analysis of the current process capability Cp, Cpk, Pp, Ppk, ZST, ZLT, Z-shift, Z-bench, DPMO, the value of Sigma process
- Interpretation of results
PHASE 3 – ANALYZE (problem causes)
- Creating of detailed maps of the procesess
- Analysis of the process and identify possible causes
- Variables Flow Chart
- Value Stream Map
- Guidelines for mapping
- Chart cause and effect Ishikawa
- C & E Matrix
- Pareto Chart and Pareto analysis
- 5 Whys
- Is / Is not analysis
- FTA Diagram
- Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA)
PHASE 3 – ANALYZE (problem causes)
- Defining and testing hypotheses
- T-test, F-test, ANOVA, Two-way ANOVA, General Linear Model
- The proportions, chi-square test.
- Linear regression and Multiple
PHASE 3 – ANALYZE (wastes)
- VSM Analysis
- OEE Analysis
- other analysis and tools (SMED, spaghetti diagram)
- Planning for further implementation of a pilot project by the participants; specifying the tasks to be carried to the next session.
PHASE 4 – IMPROVE (process)
- Introduction to design of experiments (DOE)
- Differences between the traditional method of experiment and DOE
- Advisability of using DOE
- Optimization of quality, variability, robustness,
- Interactions between factors
- Planning and implementation of the experiment
- The choice of parameters,
- The choice of the objective function,
- Create experiment
- Creating a system of equations
- Charting interaction
- Selection of relevant factors,
- Interpretation of the results
- Optimization parameter settings
- Exercise with a catapult: the preparation of the experiment, calculation, decision, try checking the effectiveness of decisions (solutions)
- Design of Experiments (DOE Full Factorial)
PHASE 4 – IMPROVE (process)
- Experiments fractional
- Experiments nonlinear
- Methods nonlinear
- Cons linear models
- Application of nonlinear techniques
PHASE 4 – IMPROVE (apply Lean Tools)
- Misteke Proofing (Poka-Yoke)
- Flow (Takt Time, Pull, Kanban)
- Quick Changeover (SMED)
- other (5S, standardization, visalization, etc.)
PHASE 4 – IMPROVE (Solutions selection)
- Solutions selection
- Narrowing the list of solutions
- Criteria for selecting solutions
- Analysis of costs and benefits (effectiveness) of the project
- Statement of cash flows
- Calculation of the NPV of the project
PHASE 4 – IMPROVE (pilot implementations of solution)
- Preparation of pilot program
- training plan
- Control Plan
- SPC - pilot and monitoring
- new process capability verification
PHASE 5 – CONTROL (implemented solution)
- Establishment and validation of the measurement system for key factors
- The development, deployment and use of control charts
- Location of control stations
- The right size and uniformity of the samples
- Development and implementation of control charts
- Selection of control charts
- Types of control charts (XR, XS, I-MR, p, eg. C, u, MA, EVMA, CUSUM, T2 Hotteling)
- Interpretation of control charts
- Advanced methods of interpretation of control charts
- Common errors in interpretation of control charts
- Development of Out of Control Action Plan (OCAP)
PHASE 5 – CONTROL (implemented solution)
Planning the implementation
- Standardization
- Different levels of process documentation
- Determination of the effects, costs and recommendations
- Summary and closure of the project
DAY 11
Design for Six Sigma + Lean (DfSS+ Lean )
- Essesnce of methodology, phasesand tools DMADV
- Quality Function Deployment (QFD)
- Design FMEA
- simulation methods
- Design Scorecards
- other methods DfSS+ Lean ( IDEAS, IDOV, DMEDI, DCCDI)
The essence and solution management system Lean Six Sigma
- Organizing teams of Lean Six Sigma
- Ways to deal with conflict
- The conditions for effective teamwork
- The choice of leaders and team members Six Sigma
- The success factors of the program Lean Six Sigma
- barriers
- The essence of Lean Six Sigma Management System
- Project management at Six Sigma
Exam (150 test questions, 3,5 hrs/ test)
Announcement of the results (subject to passing the exam is to get 70% points)
Overview of projects by the participants. Determination and presentation of further plans for pilot projects by the participants.
Korzyści dla uczestnika
- led projects perfecting according to the integrated Lean Six Sigma methodology
- run pilot projects
- know and use a statistical quality tools to assess and reduce the variability in the processes
- know and use the methodology of implementation of projects Lean Six Sigma with the use of specialized statistical packages
- effectively lead and manage the work of teams participating in improvement projects
- substantively support the Green Belts in their improvement projects
Korzyści dla przedsiębiorstwa
- Candidates for Black Belts
- Six Sigma Green Belt - Green Belts
- The coordinators of continuous improvement in the company
- Agents of change in a very good knowledge of processes and projects doskonalącymi your account.
- Participants programs and team members of Six Sigma and Lean Manufacturing teams (including World Class Manufacturing)
Dodatkowe informacje
Cena szkolenia obejmuje:
- udział w szkoleniu,
- materiały w formie papierowej, segregator, notatnik, długopis,
- bezpłatny dostęp do elektronicznych materiałów szkoleniowych,
- certyfikat uczestnictwa w szkoleniu,
- możliwość bezpłatnych 3-miesięcznych konsultacji po szkoleniu,
- obiady, przerwy kawowe oraz słodki poczęstunek
Jak się zgłosić na szkolenie?
- Pobierz kartę zgłoszenia
- Wypełnij i opieczętuj
- Wyślij na szkolenia.otwarte@tqmsoft.eu
innego terminu, miasta
a masz do przeszkolenia minimum 4 pracowników?
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Powiązane szkolenia
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Szkolenia otwarte
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Karolina Paluch
Starszy Specjalista ds. Realizacji Szkoleń