Tactics For Successful Business Negotiations - Szkolenia - TQMsoft
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Tactics For Successful Business Negotiations

Sprzedaż, komunikacja, negocjacje

Cele szkolenia

The goal of this course is to enhance knowledge and skills in the field of negotiations. Requirements arising from highly competitive economy cause that the ability and willingness to effectively conduct negotiations in a professional manner is necessary both to reach customers and shape satisfactory relationships with suppliers. Get better results across and behind the bargaining table. Turn disputes into deals. Transform deals into better deals. Resolve intractable problems. Negotiating effectively requires the ability to change the game - moving away from conflict and toward collaboration. In this intensive, interactive program, you acquire a proven framework for maximizing the value of your negotiation, whether you are behind the bargaining table with a client or across the table with an opposing party. Engaged with a professional group of peers, you will participate in discussions and simulations that cover a range of complex scenarios ranging from pricing, and licensing negotiations to international, domestic, public, and private disputes. You will refine your negotiation skills and leave with a set of strategies that you can use to deal with difficult negotiation behaviors and hard bargaining tactics.
Training objectives:

at the level of knowledge:
  • knowledge arrangement of the negotiation process and its phases with using the rules of social impact, 
  • learning about effective tactics and negotiating techniques with elements of assertiveness,
  • knowing the principles of effective coping in difficult negotiation situations, 
  • knowledge arrangement in effective image building.
at the level of skills:
  • ability to manage the negotiating process, including initiating activities affecting its appropriate process, 
  • the ability to use rules for social influence in the process, 
  • the ability to adequately apply effective negotiation techniques/tactics,
  • prepare alternative scenarios for negotiating behavior maneuver even in highly stressful situations, 
  • the ability to image-building, 
  • ability to conduct a successful presentation.
at the level of attitudes:
  • raise awareness of the importance of building long-term cooperation strategy, 
  • strengthening personal style of negotiations in terms of the effective pursuit of the activities in the process.

Symbol szkolenia


Terminy i miejsce

Dokumenty do pobrania

Szacunkowy udział części praktycznej: 70%

Czas trwania: 2 dni po 7 godz.

Program i ćwiczenia

I. Negotiator  and his personal competence:
1. Style thinking and communication styles - shaping communicative competencies.
2. Social influence rules, both in the planning and conduct of negotiations.
3. Language persuasion in the negotiation process.
4. Types of behavior in the process of communication, influence, negotiation.
5. Defending against tampering.
II. Negotiation process:
1. Negotiations as the regulations.
2. Key negotiating issues.
3. Main schemes of negotiations.
4. Conflict management – styles of coping in different situations.
5. Negotiation, mediation, arbitration, recent controversy, call – as a method to cope in a crisis.
6. The negotiating situation.
7. Objectives and strategies in the negotiations.
8. Negotiating scenarios.
9. Negotiating techniques:
  • Techniques for opening the process.
  • Techniques in the course.
  • Closing techniques.

III. Negotiations in practice:
1. Practical use of acquired competences.
2. Simulations.
3. Negotiating games.

Classes held in the individual sessions will be carried out by interactive and activating methods based on experience and to allow participants to practice their skills.
In the course of this lab will be used the following methods of operation:
a) case study,
b) practical exercises - of doing a sample task, and will improve skills and/or raise their own efficiency,
c) simulations - of carrying out tasks under conditions similar to actual real, with real tools and materials,
d) discussions - both moderated by coach responsible for the training, as well as multiple discussions,
e) questionnaires/tests - to develop their own attitudes and behavior in respect of the issue,
f) role-playing, i.e. work with a camera allowing a detailed analysis of behavior, action and made choices.

Korzyści dla uczestnika

After completing workshop, students will be able to:
  • formulate effective and motivating negotiating objectives and tasks,
  • make the appropriate choice of negotiation style depending on the types of behavior, 
  • skillfully diagnose interests, needs and motivation of partners in the negotiations, 
  • effectively carry out negotiation process by an appropriate structure, 
  • more effectively recognize and cope with games and tamper-proof partners/customers in the process of the negotiations, 
  • more efficiently identify, prepare and carry out the various stages in the process of negotiations,
  • apply in practice ideas negotiations as the basic approach to building long-term and rewarding cooperation with external and internal customer.


This course will be of benefit to you if you:
  • Need to build relationships and influence others within or outside your organization.
  • Have a role which requires you to influence rather than manage.
  • Take part in or lead price or other types of formal negotiations.
  • Manage potentially difficult relationships with clients and other external contacts.

Dodatkowe informacje

Cena szkolenia obejmuje:

  • udział w szkoleniu, 
  • materiały w formie papierowej, segregator, notatnik, długopis,
  • bezpłatny dostęp do elektronicznych materiałów szkoleniowych,
  • certyfikat uczestnictwa w szkoleniu,
  • możliwość bezpłatnych 3-miesięcznych konsultacji po szkoleniu,
  • obiady, przerwy kawowe oraz słodki poczęstunek
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Jak się zgłosić na szkolenie?

  1. Pobierz kartę zgłoszenia
  2. Wypełnij i opieczętuj
  3. Wyślij na szkolenia.otwarte@tqmsoft.eu



innego terminu, miasta
a masz do przeszkolenia minimum 4 pracowników?

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Szkolenia otwarte

Monika Kozdrój

Specjalista ds. Realizacji Szkoleń

Anna Wnęk

Młodszy Specjalista ds. Realizacji Szkoleń

Szkolenia zamknięte

Sylwia Smuga

Sylwia Smuga

Kierownik Działu Szkoleń

Karolina Paluch

Karolina Paluch

Starszy Specjalista ds. Realizacji Szkoleń

Dokumenty do pobrania