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 QnowHow to kawał solidnej wiedzy dostarczonej przez najlepszych profesjonalistów pracujących w zespole TQMsoft.



Training Effectiveness Management as a company business model

Training Effectiveness Management as a company business model

Training Effectiveness Management as a company business model

Training is a process. It consist of: the training provider, training materials and infrastructure, coach/trainer and his theoretical and practical knowledge. Trainer predisposition to teaching others and of course customers with their expectations and involvement.

Costs, but maybe better called them investments.

Effect of the training.

Measurable and not measurable profits like new and deeper knowledge about the issue, exchange of experience, nice spent time.

How much can good training affect the real business of a company?

TQMsoft polish training and consulting provider started the project “Training effectiveness management in company business model” to support our worldwide customers in this challenging issue.

The main project goal is to create concept of training model management to increase the real use of wide defined knowledge of employees. If we treat the training as investment let assure the optimum return of investment.

The project will be guided in three phases.

  1. Defined the characteristics of good training from stack holders perspectives.
  2. Kano model study of good training characteristics preferences  
  3. Public rapport about the study and TQMsoft suggestions to build the model  

The information’s about the project progress will be available on TQMsoft Linkedin profile and TQMsoft website.

What is KANO model?

Noriaki Kano, Phd from Tokyo University and Winner of the Deming Prize defined his model for prioritization of Customer Satisfaction and Delight. His consideration were that You cannot build everything “right now” like everyone’s demanding. You need to decide what is necessary (in example of training courses program criteria). You may have very good feelings of what works and what doesn’t, but you want data to support your decisions, either to be certain or to present to the rest of the organization.

Why this project is for YOU?

Thousands of customers arrive to Krakow every year to participate in our trainings and consultations. We are with you in your processes supporting every day challenges.

Please join TQMsoft in the new challenging project. This is real chance for process improvement for every company and trainings participants worldwide.

We will ask you to support us by:

  • selecting yours features of a good and effective training – LINK
  • filling the Kano model survey (will be available soon)

That’s all -  ………….. from your side.

The analyses of answers and rapport will be prepared by TQMsoft.

The rapport will be send to all companies and all persons who will support us in project.

Best regards,
Thanks for Yours commitment
Łukasz Dragun

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Trener TQMsoft
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